Introduction To Science Practices
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ELD 2 or 3
This course will focus on students learning the skills that scientists use to study all areas of science. Designed around the science practices from the NGSS standards. The course will introduce students to all areas of science while developing English language skills appropriate for students in ELD 2 or 3.
Physical Earth Science P & Physical Earth Science P SDAIE
The Physical/Earth Science P course is intended to prepare students for college preparatory laboratory science courses. It emphasizes the development of logical thinking skills, understanding and responding to technical writing, the collection, analysis and presentation of data from laboratory science experiments, and standard laboratory techniques. The course will prepare students for the Biology, Chemistry, and Physics sequence and will fulfill the physical science graduation requirement.
Biology P & Biology P SDAIE
The Biology P course will cover all the major topics in Biology: Cell Biology, Genetics, Ecology, Evolution and Structure and Function in Living Systems. Both conceptual and quantitative topics will be developed in depth and this course is a prerequisite for Chemistry, Physics and Physiology.
Biology HP
Requirement: Application
The Honors Biology course will cover all the major topics in Biology: Cell Biology, Genetics, Ecology, Evolution and Structure and Function in Living Systems. Both conceptual and quantitative topics will be developed in more depth than at the college preparatory level. Students will learn to design and perform their own experiments.
Prerequisite: C in Biology P and Concurrent Enrollment in
Chemistry P
The Chemistry P course will cover the following chemistry concepts: Atomic and Molecular Structure, Chemical Bonds, Conservation of Matter and Stoichiometry, Gases and their Properties, Acids and Bases, Solutions, Chemical Thermodynamics, Reaction Rates, Chemical Equilibrium, Organic, Biochemical and Nuclear Processes. Both conceptual and simple quantitative topics will be studied.
Chemistry HP
Prerequisite: B in Biology P, Completion of Geometry P or Dept. Approval
The Honors Chemistry P course will cover the following chemistry concepts: Atomic and Molecular Structure, Chemical Bonds, Conservation of Matter and Stoichiometry, Gases and their Properties, Acids and Bases, Solutions, Chemical Thermodynamics, Reaction Rates, Chemical Equilibrium, Organic Biochemical and Nuclear Processes). Both conceptual and quantitative topics will be developed in more depth than at the college preparatory level. A college level text will be used in this course.
Physics P
Prerequisite: C in Biology P, Concurrent Enrollment in Algebra 2 P or Dept. Approval
The Physics P course will cover the following physics concepts: Motion and Forces, Conservation of Energy and Momentum, Waves and Electronic and Magnetic Phenomena). Both conceptual and quantitative topics will be developed in depth. Students have the opportunity to design and build problem-solving structures and vehicles throughout the course.
AP Physics 1
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 or Higher Application, Dept. Approval
AP Physics 1 is a college-level course taken at the high school setting and follows the recommended course outline published by the College Board for the algebra-based Physics 1 exam. The course is appropriate for the advanced math/science student who is considering a major in the sciences or engineering. Students will learn to apply math principles to scientific theory. Class topics will include kinematics, dynamics, energy, mechanical waves, sound, and basic electrical circuits. Students who complete this course are encouraged to take the Advanced Placement Physics 1 Exam which occurs in May. The minimum math prerequisite is concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2.
Physiology P
Prerequisite: C in Biology P and completion of Chemistry P, Physics P or Physical Science
The Physiology P course will cover the anatomy and physiology of the human body, including study of the body systems and homeostatic relationship between those systems. A college level text will be used and this course is available to students who have taken and passed Biology with a “C” or better.
AP Environmental Science
Prerequisite: B in Biology P and Chemistry P or Physics P, Application and Dept. Approval
AP Environmental Science is designed to provide students with scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies necessary to comprehend the relationships abundant within the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems, to evaluate relative risks associated with these identified problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing similar problems facing the global environment. A college level text will be used in this course.
AP Physics C: Mechanics
Prerequisites: Completion or Concurrent Enrollment in AP Calculus
This is an advanced study of Mechanics for 11th and 12th graders. This course is the first of two introductory college level courses in physics for engineering and mathematics majors. Introduction to vectors, classical mechanics, linear dynamics, gravitation and simple harmonic motions are studied.
Engineering P
This is the companion course in Engineering and Technical Design 1. Students will engage in project-based instruction to investigate various aspects of the engineering field, with special emphasis on the design process and understanding the physical principles that underlie the practice of engineering.
Physics Academy Physics P & Physics Academy
Students enrolled in the second year of Engineering and Technical Design 2 will have the option of enrolling in the Physics P course. The Physics P course will cover the following physics concepts: Motion and Forces, Conservation of Energy and Momentum, Waves and Electronic and Magnetic Phenomena. Both conceptual and quantitative topics will be developed in depth. Students have the opportunity to design and build problem-solving structures and vehicles throughout the course.